Sunday, November 23, 2008

Well, the cost of gas has gone down. At least for a while. No one knows how long it will stay down but we can enjoy it while we have it. It helps our economy a little but it is not the great fix we need.

We still need help to pay the bills and put the food on the table. Our mortgage still needs to be paid plus upcoming property taxes need to be paid. In other words, we still need to find a way to generate an ongoing income stream.

We still need to supplement our own existence and build for a retirement. That we can do on the Internet. There is a lot of money to be made online and the only thing stopping us from earning it is our own limitations.

Our own ability to learn and understand what is offered is the only thing that stands in our way.

We need to learn from those who have done what we want to do, but we also need to know what is true and what is not. There are many money guru's out there today who want to take money and give nothing in return. These are the one's we need to watch out for.

Some of the scams are discussed in more detail on my website.

We also need to know how to build and maintain a website. Who to have for a web host and what domain name we should use. These are just a few of the things necessary for continued success.

Before you can build a website you need to have a subject in mind to build on. Your subject matter should be something which you know a little about and are somewhat passionate about.

A lot of information is available to you through internet articles. Other people write articles on a variety of subjects. The articles are totally free for you to use in creating your website. The only stipualtion is that you use the article in whole and as written. Do not alter the article. You must also include the resource box of the author.

This allows you the content you need and it also provides vital information for the author. It is kind of like you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. It is a win win situation.

Go ahead, check out a few websites and get sstarted on yours.

See ya next week.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Lets talk About Money, Plain and Simple
Almost everyone today has a deep concern when it comes to their money and finances. I don't blame them either, the economy has kind of been in the toilet lately. I thought for a while the whole system would be flushed.
Everyone worries about how to pay their taxes, how to pay the mortgage, how to keep food on the table. And all these worries are real.
Our big problem is that no one is going to be giving us a 700 billion dollar bailout. It seem that no one cares if we sink or swim. Well, let me tell you, I don't even know how to swim.
That means if I don't take care of ME I will be the one who sinks. The same goes for you. Do you want to sink or are you ready to start swimming? Are you ready to take the bull by the horn and lead him in the direction you want to go?
We know from the past that George Bush hasn't been much help to our finances and President Elect Obama has a hell of a lot to do before he can even think about most of us So that means we need to find money on our own.
A lot of people are saying they can't make money on the Internet without going into debt first. Well, that is just not true. There are ways to build a cash flow without loosing your shirt.
Of course, building and promoting a web site can generate cashflow. However, there is some expense involved with web sites. Web sites also take time. My first web site took 17 months to generate the first $100. After that things started to move a little faster. The second $100. only took 4 months.
The expense involved was more than that for domain name and hosting for a year. But those times are in the past now and I don't look back. In those early days I often thought of quitting but I'm glad I didn't.
The rewards are just too great.
There is also money to be made in writing free articles. Free articles are articles written by you and submitted to a free article directory. Your article is then up for grabs by anyone looking for good quality articles to include in their site or document.
When someone wants to use your article they must include your resource box and use the article intact. No changes are allowed. In your resource box you include a link to your website or blog site. Anyone who reads your article will see your site address and have the opportunity of visiting for more information.
They are now searching your web site and may purchase whatever you have to offer. The article has lead to a possible sale and cashflow.
There are hundreds of free article submission sites and the more you submit your article to the more people will see your information. It is monotonous and time consuming to submit to many but it is well worth the effort. Soon you will see thousands of visitors to your site.
It is possible to make money online by becoming an affiliate to someone else. As an affiliate you promote a product of another person and receive a commission for your work. Sometimes the commission is not a lot but at other times the commission may be 50, 60, or even 70% of the value of the product.
The other person actually does all the work and you just send him referrals. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. I am affiliated with a large number of online businesses as well as some brick and mortar stores like Circuit City and Target.
Another way of creating cashflow is the use of the BLOG. Most people use a blog as a diary or journal. People are finding that the blog can be a cash cow if used right. The blog can be used to promote a product or a web site or any number of things. You can sell from the blog or refer from it to any other place.
There is a lot more information on my web site and you are welcome to take a look around and use any or all of the information there. There is no charge and tons of information. Check it out for yourself.
Of course, you can always look right here for new tricks and a few tips. I hate to be ripped off and I hate to see anyone else get ripped off so you will see some scam info here too.
See you next week.
Lets talk Money, Plain and Simple

Almost everyone today has a deep concern when it comes to their money and finances. I don't blame them either, the economy has kind of been in the toilet lately. I thought for a while the whole system would be flushed.

Everyone worries about how to pay their taxes, how to pay the mortgage, how to keep food on the table. And all these worries are real.

Our big problem is that no one is going to be giving us a 700 billion dollar bailout. It seem that no one cares if we sink or swim. Well, let me tell you, I don't even know how to swim.

That means if I don't take care of ME I will be the one who sinks. The same goes for you. Do you want to sink or are you ready to start swimming? Are you ready to take the bull by the horn and lead him in the direction you want to go?

We know from the past that George Bush hasn't been much help to our finances and President Elect Obama has a hell of a lot to do before he can even think about most of us So that means we need to find money on our own.

A lot of people are saying they can't make money on the Internet without going into debt first. Well, that is just not true. There are ways to build a cash flow without loosing your shirt.

Of course, building and promoting a web site can generate cashflow. However, there is some expense involved with web sites. Web sites also take time. My first web site took 17 months to generate the first $100. After that things started to move a little faster. The second $100. only took 4 months.

The expense involved was more than that for domain name and hosting for a year. But those times are in the past now and I don't look back. In those early days I often thought of quitting but I'm glad I didn't.
The rewards are just too great.

There is also money to be made in writing free articles. Free articles are articles written by you and submitted to a free article directory. Your article is then up for grabs by anyone looking for good quality articles to include in their site or document.

When someone wants to use your article they must include your resource box and use the article intact. No changes are allowed. In your resource box you include a link to your website or blog site. Anyone who reads your article will see your site address and have the opportunity of visiting for more information.

They are now searching your web site and may purchase whatever you have to offer. The article has lead to a possible sale and cashflow.

There are hundreds of free article submission sites and the more you submit your article to the more people will see your information. It is monotonous and time consuming to submit to many but it is well worth the effort. Soon you will see thousands of visitors to your site.

It is possible to make money online by becoming an affiliate to someone else. As an affiliate you promote a product of another person and receive a commission for your work. Sometimes the commission is not a lot but at other times the commission may be 50, 60, or even 70% of the value of the product.

The other person actually does all the work and you just send him referrals. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. I am affiliated with a large number of online businesses as well as some brick and mortar stores like Circuit City and Target.

Another way of creating cashflow is the use of the BLOG. Most people use a blog as a diary or journal. People are finding that the blog can be a cash cow if used right. The blog can be used to promote a product or a web site or any number of things. You can sell from the blog or refer from it to any other place.

There is a lot more information on my web site and you are welcome to take a look around and use any or all of the information there. There is no charge and tons of information. Check it out for yourself.

Of course, you can always look right here for new tricks and a few tips. I hate to be ripped off and I hate to see anyone else get ripped off so you will see some scam info here too.

See you next week.