Monday, February 23, 2009

I still see a lot of people looking for some sort of extra income. Some way to make the paycheck cover all the needs of a home. Car payments, mortgage, phone and cable. All the things we face in our every day living.

So, who makes the money.

I know where they are coming from. There were times in my younger years that I didn't know how I was going to put tomorrows meal on the table. My wife and I had twin boys who needed a few special items for school and of course new shoes and clothes, not to mention, food.

I had no education or skills and never earned the high dollars I heard others speak of. I often wondered what it would be like to give my family all they needed or wanted. However, I knew it would never happen.

At one point I found myself working three jobs trying to fill all the needs. I worked in an electrical retail store all week, tended bar in the evenings and pumped gas on the weekends.

I managed to supply most of what we needed but with no fluff or frills. But there was still one thing missing, me. Working all those hours was paying the bills but my boys were missing a father.

I would have given anything for the opportunities of today. I'm talking about the possibilities offered by use of this thing called the Internet. If we had an Internet back then I could have created an ongoing income and enjoyed a life at home with my family.

Well, the Internet is here now and it is here to stay so lets take advantage of it. Lets talk about creating some residual income. Residual income is something you do once and get paid for doing for years, possibly forever.

When the Internet first came into being I wondered how someone might be able to benefit from it financially. How could it be used to provide a monetary assistance to everyone. I studied it for several years before I figured out how to make it pay.

What I found was that you cannot expect a get rich quick thing. The Internet has the power to make anyone with patience rich. Once you learn a few little tricks and how to implement them you can begin to change your lifestyle.

Some people say to make money online you need a large list of potential prospects. Others say you need a fabulous looking website. While others say to blog your way to wealth. All of these people are right, but they are also wrong.

You can make money with any one of them but I say you need a website and then work the others into it. Build a website, make a blog and then create a prospect list. But the most important thing is traffic.

Without traffic you have nothing. Without traffic no one will ever see what you have created. If you have built a site to sell a product no one will ever know it. So traffic is a prime target.

Remember, lets talk about money.

In my next post I will put some reality to building and maintaining your new site and discuss blogging for profit plus a few other interesting things.

Come back and see me next time and remember, some of the information can be found on my website:
While you are looking around check out my other site: They are both free sites.